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Jeep Of The Day

Ford GPW 16541

Owner or Registrant: Kirk Sullivan
Location: , Tx, United States

According to our records, and the contents of your "Mystery Box", your jeep was built at the Richmond, California assembly plant.

Most Recent Serial Numbers to be Added or Modified

Jeep Type Serial Number Last Updated (UTC) Name City State/Province Country Image
Ford GPW 237024    New! Sat 3:55pm, Jul 20th James Hocking Long Buckby Northamptonshire United Kingdom
Ford GPW 85872    New! Mon 1:37am, Jul 15th Steve Smith Frankfort Indiana USA
Willys MB 449586    New! Mon 12:34am, Jul 15th Steve Smith Frankfort Indiana USA
Willys MB 416537 Thu 6:34am, Jul 11th Roberto Bisconti Abbadia San Salvatore Toscana - Siena ITALIA
Willys MB 269046 Sat 4:41pm, Jul 6th Karumbaiah Monnanda Coorg Karnataka India
Willys MB 451176 Sat 2:20pm, Jul 6th Greg Sloat Red Rock Texas USA
Willys MB 457960 Wed 5:30pm, Jul 3rd Chuck Ellison Arroyo Grande Ca United States
Willys MB 457960 Wed 5:28pm, Jul 3rd Chuck Ellison Arroyo Grande Ca United States
Willys MB 388717 Sat 9:11pm, Jun 29th Thomas Ellis Foster Oregon United States
Ford GPW 75169 Wed 6:57pm, Jun 26th Ronald Woodard Royal Arkansas United States
* New! denotes records that were created in the last 2 weeks.