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Jeep Of The Day

Ford GPW 78261

Owner or Registrant: Per Petersen
Location: 7600 Struer, , Denmark

Most Recent Serial Numbers to be Added or Modified

Jeep Type Serial Number Last Updated (UTC) Name City State/Province Country Image
Ford GPW 237024    New! Sat 3:55pm, Jul 20th James Hocking Long Buckby Northamptonshire United Kingdom
Ford GPW 85872    New! Mon 1:37am, Jul 15th Steve Smith Frankfort Indiana USA
Willys MB 449586    New! Mon 12:34am, Jul 15th Steve Smith Frankfort Indiana USA
Willys MB 416537 Thu 6:34am, Jul 11th Roberto Bisconti Abbadia San Salvatore Toscana - Siena ITALIA
Willys MB 269046 Sat 4:41pm, Jul 6th Karumbaiah Monnanda Coorg Karnataka India
Willys MB 451176 Sat 2:20pm, Jul 6th Greg Sloat Red Rock Texas USA
Willys MB 457960 Wed 5:30pm, Jul 3rd Chuck Ellison Arroyo Grande Ca United States
Willys MB 457960 Wed 5:28pm, Jul 3rd Chuck Ellison Arroyo Grande Ca United States
Willys MB 388717 Sat 9:11pm, Jun 29th Thomas Ellis Foster Oregon United States
Ford GPW 75169 Wed 6:57pm, Jun 26th Ronald Woodard Royal Arkansas United States
* New! denotes records that were created in the last 2 weeks.