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Jeep Of The Day

Willys MB 147205

Owner or Registrant: Roger A. Egolf
Location: Herrliberg, Schweiz, Switzerland

Most Recent Serial Numbers to be Added or Modified

Jeep Type Serial Number Last Updated (UTC) Name City State/Province Country Image
Willys MB 446450 Thu 10:42am, Mar 18th Lars Atle Oedegaard Tresfjord Norway
Willys MB 135395 Wed 2:55am, Mar 17th Murray Connell Perth West Coast Australia
Ford GPW 125460 Sun 6:50pm, Mar 14th Wally Piroyan Shorewood Minnesota USA
Ford GPW 135074 Sun 6:30pm, Mar 14th Wally Piroyan Shorewood Minnesota USA
Willys MB 102153 Thu 8:11pm, Mar 11th Bill Hamblin Metairie La United States
Ford GP 9307 Thu 6:37pm, Mar 4th Eddy Crocker Berryton Kansas United States
Ford GPW 23327 Thu 6:21pm, Mar 4th Eddy Crocker Berryton Kansas United States
Ford GPW 266926 Tue 7:33pm, Mar 2nd Michael Colley Seabrook Texas United States
Willys MB 412504 Tue 2:29am, Feb 23rd Odd Asak Oslo Norway
Ford GPW 128556 Thu 10:13pm, Feb 18th Jess Minton Mineral Wells Texas United States
* New! denotes records that were created in the last 2 weeks.