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GPW 275328

Found this Jeep in San Jose and brought her home to San Diego on August 29, 2001. Started it up and drove it before I pulled her home. Going to do a complete restoration... well, without the original motor that'll be kind of hard but I'll get close. Jeep came with MB motor 571274 in it. Also came with a fiberglass hood, so the hood numbers are a guess. If you come across the original motor (s/n 275328) or one close to it please let me know... Currently working on the body 9yrs later :) It's Feb. 2010. Update: It's done!... Well kinda... In search of the correct tools, and other misc things like a first aid kit, grease gun etc.. Make for a fun treasure hunt on weekends around SoCal (Temecula) where the Jeep lives. Will post updated pics soon enough.

Model & Serial Number GPW 275328
Registrant's Name Josh Hirst
City, State/Region, Country Murrieta / Temecula, California, United States
Date of Acquisition 2001-08-29
Date this SNdb Record Created 2003-02-11 23:14:01
Date This SNdb Record Last Updated 2015-02-25 14:58:35

Image of Data Plate
Mystery Box 4X4
Gross Weight 0
Data Plate Origin Original
Data Plate Material Unknown
Date of Delivery (DOD) 1945-07-06
According to our records, and the contents of your "Mystery Box", your jeep was built at the Dallas, Texas assembly plant.

Image of Frame Number
Frame Number 275328

Image of Engine Number
Engine Number MB 571274

Image of Hood Number
Hood (Mil. Reg.) Number 20743590 (a guess)

Image of Body Number
Body Number 275328
Body Type Ford

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