GPW206517 is a Ford salad. Tub is Ford 1942 with flat glovebox floor and reinforcing rib by toolbox lid. Front seats are Ford, rear seat is missing, a tailgate was cut out. If it was a script, then the script is lost. Engine is a Ford GPW with cast date C2411 - march 2.1944, correct number would be around GPW 180000..185000, but the number stamped on the boss is around 500000 and without GPW. Drivetrain is almost all Ford with a Willys T84 transmission. <->206517, no GPW marked, but arrow dash arrow. A Braden J2 winch was installed once, special bellcrank is still fitted.
Model & Serial Number | GPW 206517 |
Registrant's Name | Alexandra Buser |
City, State/Region, Country | Solothurn, SO, Switzerland |
Date of Acquisition | 2004-03-16 |
Date this SNdb Record Created | 2004-04-18 09:04:06 |
Date This SNdb Record Last Updated | 2004-12-06 02:58:01 |