46 HVW was brought into service towards the end of the Second World War on 20th June 1945. It is not known where this vehicle served during the war, however it was allocated a 1945 British Army Census number of M6012816. The Jeep served in the RAF after the War and it has been restored to the RAF peacetime colour schemes, which were re-introduced after April 1946, and that were uncovered during restoration. The 1947 Army/RAF number plate was 50YH51. 46 HVW was used by No 61 Squadron of the RAF Regiment which was formed out of 2829 Squadron at Lubeck on 21st August 1947. 2829 Squadron had been in North West Europe since November 1944 as a field Squadron, and No 61 Squadron continued this role until it was re-numbered in 1949 as 18 Squadron, becoming a Light Anti-Aircraft (LAA) Squadron at Celle. The quartered blue and red square on the right hand rear bumper signifies that this Jeep operated in LAA Squadron “A” (and Control & Reporting ) Flt. Tactical sign. It is likely that this vehicle was the Flight Commander’s Jeep of “A” Flight. It is believed that the R (in R2) meant reconnaissance. The Jeep was purchased by my father in 1956 for £120.00. In 1958 it was taken off the road and the engine stripped for essential repairs. Following an extensive restoration project the Jeep has found the road again in April 1998.
Model & Serial Number | GPW 274320 |
Registrant's Name | Ian Giblin |
City, State/Region, Country | London, Kent, United Kingdom |
Date of Acquisition | 1956-00-00 |
Date this SNdb Record Created | 2005-07-24 10:09:35 |
Date This SNdb Record Last Updated | 2005-07-24 10:20:27 |