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MB 366014

Originally a Navy jeep, working out of the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (original body number lost, sadly). Now painted in Army markings. I made up the hood number (USN Jeeps never had them), so I just added "20" to the frame/plate #. Later, after reading John Farley's book, "The Standard Wartime Jeep," it mentioned hood #s for a Jeep a few hundred numbers from mine, which would place the correct hood # for this MB at or close to 20562310 if it had been a Army Jeep in WW2. I cannot find the body serial number as there appear to be no markings to that spor on the body for some reason. The engine block # was hard to read but I found it apparently has it's original engine. Its unrestored but in darned good shape for an old "stump jumper." I have re-routed the fuel line, bypassing the fuel strainer and going through a modern in-line filter. The exhaust system was routed out the back two owners ago, and I plan on putting the correct exhaust system in as soon as I can find a good skid plate. I have also replaced the original two-bolt spare tire carrier with a repro three-bolt one. This is because the rear was never drilled for the 'shoe' to hold the tire in place and changing the tire back there is a BEAR to do it alone! Currently painted in COM-Z markings but I plan on marking the hood to match Bill Mauldin's issued Jeep eventually. This Jeep has been featured in several issues of Army Motors.

Model & Serial Number MB 366014
Registrant's Name Lee Bishop
City, State/Region, Country Puget Sound, Washington, United States
Date of Acquisition 1999-10-02
Date this SNdb Record Created 2003-11-06 20:51:58
Date This SNdb Record Last Updated 2016-01-05 12:21:46

Image of Data Plate
Mystery Box ORD (with ordnance corps seal)
Gross Weight 2315
Data Plate Origin Original
Data Plate Material Zinc
Date of Delivery (DOD) 1944-08-28
According to our records, this jeep was built at the Toledo, Ohio assembly plant.

Image of Frame Number
Frame Number MB 366014

Image of Engine Number
Engine Number MB 464435

Image of Hood Number
Hood (Mil. Reg.) Number 20366014S

Image of Body Number
Body Number Missing/obscured, pending
Body Type Unknown

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