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MB 217935

I bought this gem from Kansas in May 2007 and right now I am missing alot of extras. I hope to have it built up 1943 style as my free time and budget allows. The frame is excellent due to the 1 inch coating of grease and powdery clay gunk. The fwd floor is needing hole patches and there was a tailgate installed, I am awaiting a new rear panel in the mail.That is an M-38 W/O hardtop. Send me a message if anyone is interested!!

Model & Serial Number MB 217935
Registrant's Name Thomas Burton
City, State/Region, Country , Maine, United States
Date of Acquisition 2007-05-00
Date this SNdb Record Created 2007-07-20 20:39:10
Date This SNdb Record Last Updated 2007-09-25 20:27:56

Image of Data Plate
Mystery Box Unknown (data not yet provided)
Gross Weight
Data Plate Origin Unknown
Data Plate Material Unknown
Date of Delivery (DOD) 1943-03-00
According to our records, this jeep was built at the Toledo, Ohio assembly plant.

Image of Frame Number
Frame Number MB217935

Image of Engine Number
Engine Number

Image of Hood Number
Hood (Mil. Reg.) Number 20308409-S

Image of Body Number
Body Number 118616
Body Type ACM Type 1

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