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GPW 66760

Found the gpw in a barn in East Tennessee. Been sitting there for 7 years before I purchased it. A few $$$$$.$$ later it drives great. The best event so far was back on October 31, 2010 driving it around the track at Talladega, AL before the race. November 2011 I was honored by having a WWII Veteran ride in my gpw during the Peanut Festival Parade. Thru this jeep G503 website I have a very dear friend in Australia that has helped me beyond measure in restoring the gpw.

Model & Serial Number GPW 66760
Registrant's Name Ken Wilcoxon
City, State/Region, Country Dothan, Alabama, United States
Date of Acquisition 2008-07-18
Date this SNdb Record Created 2008-08-02 12:00:12
Date This SNdb Record Last Updated 2013-02-12 07:46:19

Image of Data Plate
Mystery Box Louisville, KY
Gross Weight 2265
Data Plate Origin Original
Data Plate Material Brass
Date of Delivery (DOD) 1942-09-21

Image of Frame Number
Frame Number 66760

Image of Engine Number
Engine Number MB494807

Image of Hood Number
Hood (Mil. Reg.) Number 20151759

Image of Body Number
Body Number 66760
Body Type Ford

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