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MB 119863

I bought this Slat grill from the grand son of the orignal owner that purched it in 1952. All is original, engine, frame and tub that is rusted out but might be salvaged. CANADIAN CONTRACT ORDER NO: CDLV-242 Denis

Model & Serial Number MB 119863
Registrant's Name Denis Allen
City, State/Region, Country Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
Date of Acquisition 2012-08-31
Date this SNdb Record Created 2012-09-24 09:41:27
Date This SNdb Record Last Updated 2014-09-22 13:23:50

Image of Data Plate
Mystery Box Unknown (data not yet provided)
Gross Weight
Data Plate Origin Reproduction
Data Plate Material Brass
Date of Delivery (DOD) 1942-02-16
According to our records, this jeep was built at the Toledo, Ohio assembly plant.

Image of Frame Number
Frame Number 119863

Image of Engine Number
Engine Number MB121397

Image of Hood Number
Hood (Mil. Reg.) Number MC 43212 est.

Image of Body Number
Body Number 21819
Body Type ACM Type 1

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