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GPW 192680

Model & Serial Number GPW 192680
Registrant's Name Sandy Field
City, State/Region, Country Brisbane, Qld, Australia
Date of Acquisition 1989-00-00
Date this SNdb Record Created 2022-04-25 04:50:41
Date This SNdb Record Last Updated 2022-04-25 04:50:41

Image of Data Plate
Mystery Box unstamped, blank, unmarked, Null
Gross Weight 3125
Data Plate Origin Unknown
Data Plate Material Plated Steel
Date of Delivery (DOD) 1944-04-00
According to our records, and the contents of your "Mystery Box", your jeep was built at the Richmond, California assembly plant.

Image of Frame Number
Frame Number 192680

Image of Engine Number
Engine Number 192680

Image of Hood Number
Hood (Mil. Reg.) Number

Image of Body Number
Body Number
Body Type Unknown

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