The name of this beuty is "Ugly" The frame and drive train is restored, but the body is NOT. I decided to keep it like it was with the faded paint and rust. I have other jeeps that looks like "new" so it is fun to have a real "ugly" one. I can see traces of the Hood number through some cracks in the paint, so one day I will sand it down. The orginal plate on the dasj is not there, but a rebuilt plate from 1955 are installed instead. "Ugly" is now sold. The new owner will use here as is this summer, but start on a restauration of the body next winter. I wish him good luck with this "special" jeep. BRG Frank.. "The Viking"
Model & Serial Number | MB 292165 |
Registrant's Name | Geir Graff |
City, State/Region, Country | Lillestrom, , Norway |
Date of Acquisition | 1943-12-00 |
Date this SNdb Record Created | 2001-06-19 23:58:56 |
Date This SNdb Record Last Updated | 2001-06-19 23:58:56 |